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Special Comics for Indie Films
This is the place for folks who either can't be restricted by the boilerplate contract in the previous section due to legal reasons or personal preference. These comic creators are fully willing to work with no-budget filmmakers and simply request that you work out the contract between you and them individually. If you like what you see, email them and they'll be happy to work with you to get things arranged for you to make a feature or short from their work.
Name: Dead Rat
Description: A short dealing with Jay Lynch starting his underground comics empire in the '60's...which just happens to involve a dead rat.
Creator: Jay Lynch
Contact Email:


Name: Dreamtime
Description: Medieval tale of Matthew, who is running from the war and finds shelter in a small village, where his arrival makes old resentments resurface.
Creator: Henrik Hehr
Contact Email:

Website: Click Here

Name: Martyr
Description: Short ironic tale about the dangers of the art world.
Creator: Henrik Hehr
Contact Email:

Website: Click Here

Name: Monkey Mind
Description: A short dealing with the Zen concept of Monkey Mind, which allows a person to see similarities between dissimilar things.
Creator: Jay Lynch
Contact Email:


Name: Saint Cain
Description: Modern pirate story, set on the ficticious island Saint Cain in the Northern Atlantic. Dark and with supernatural elements.
Creator: Henrik Hehr
Contact Email:

Website: Click Here

Name: Tuesday
Description: Eyewitness account of 9-11 and the aftermath seen from a father's viewpoint in Downtown Manhattan.
Creator: Henrik Hehr
Contact Email:

Website: Click Here

Name: The White Album
Description: A short dealing with the Jay Lynch's take on the release of the Beatle's White Album in '60's--an album that actually had no printing on either side, either to be cool or simply to save printing costs!
Creator: Jay Lynch
Contact Email:


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