The Do’s & Don’ts of Successfully Directing Actors (Article/Tips)

Posted by on Jul 24, 2013 in Articles, Behind-the-Scenes, General, Interviews, MicroFilmmaking, Retrospectives, Tips, Tutorials | 0 comments

As we prepare for John Badham's new book, John Badham on Directing, it seemed a great time to look at some advice from his last book, Creative Wars: I'll be In My Trailer. This piece comes straight from John Badham’s experience as a director and it rings just as true for the microfilmmaker with a $3000 budget as it does for the Hollywood director with a $300 million budget. However, these rules are perhaps most important to the microfilmmaker, because a microfilmmaker doesn’t have a studio sending someone to babysit him on his film and, if he screws the rules up, he doesn’t have the financial resources to recast it...

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